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Friday, December 31, 2010

2º Encontro Feminino de Parkour 2011, Sao Paolo Brazil, 15 & 16 January

Hi girls!
Another year has passed, much has happened,many meetings, a lot of gossip! Now it's our turn to come together to chat and train a lot! It's great to see girls training together! :So go to buy your tickets to São Paulo now, fill your water bottles and be prepared, because the 2nd Female Parkour meeting is coming!

2º Encontro Feminino de Parkour
15 and 16 January, Sao Paulo!

On the first day, Saturday, we'll meet in the subway big car at 10 am, and from there go to the park next door. Will have guided training, free training, etc.On Sunday, 10 am in the metro sao paulo garden, where we will be at the playground for a while and from there we'll walkpassing through the peaks on the way, to get on the Tucuruvi subway .

See you in January!
\ o /

* Bring your water bottles, sunscreen, traceuse survival kit, etc
* More information soon about the shirts.
* If you need a place to stay, contact, to see home if you get someone who can.
* Men are welcome provided of course that they are accompanied by girls!

Girls, to register you can fill out the form below and email to:

Registration Form 
Name:   Gender:   Age:   E-mail:   Status:   City:

After filling the application, we will send by e-mail, details of the meeting, the little location maps, more information about the shirts, etc..

- Nina

Eaai mulherada!
Mais um ano passou, muita coisa aconteceu, muitos encontros, muitas fofocas! Então chegou a nossa vez de nos reunirmos pra botar a conversa em dia e treinar muitoooo! Pq é muito ver as meninas juntas litrando! :D
Então já vão comprando suas passagens pra Sampa, enchendo as garrafinhas de água e preparando os calinhos, pq o 2º Encontro Feminino de Parkour promete!!

2º Encontro Feminino de Parkour
Dias 15 e 16 de janeiro em São Paulo!

No primeiro dia, sábado, vamos nos encontrar no metro carrão ás 10h, e de lá vamos pro parque do lado. Vai ter treininho guiado, treino livre, etc. No domingo, 10h no metro jardim são paulo, onde a gente vai ficar um pouco no leparkinho e de lá vamos andando e passando pelos picos no caminho até chegar no metro tucuruvi.

Vejo vocês em janeiro!

*Tragam suas garrafas de água, protetor solar, kit de sobrevivencia da traceuse, etc.
*Em breve mais informações sobre as camisetas.
*Quem precisar de lugar pra ficar, entre em contato, pra ver casa se álguem que possa te receber.
*Homens são bem vindos desde que estejam caracterizados de meninas, lógico!

Meninas é o seguinte, para fazer a inscricao vocês podem preencher o formulário abaixo e mandar para o email: 

Inscrição pro Encontro Feminino de Parkour

Nome:   Sexo:   Idade:   E-mail:    Estado:   Cidade:

Depois de feita a inscrição, vamos mandar por e-mail, os termos que terão q ser entregues preenchidos no dia do encontro, os mapinhas de localização para quem é de fora, mais informações sobre as camisetas, etc.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Italy Traceuses Project 2010 Video

The 'Made in Italy - traceuses Project 2010' was created with the aim to promote women in the disciplines of Parkour and Art du déplacement in Italy. The project was born from the union and collaboration of Italian traceuses, to encourage other girls approach to discipline without much hesitation, gender, and because parkour art du déplacement is open to all disciplines. For this reason we made a video in which show what practitioners have learned Italian in the year 2010. Soon we will hold a rally where you can meet us all, with the help of the Italian Parkour Associations, ADD Apki and Rhizai. Thanks for all the girls, cameramen, their membership groups, and who else supports them.
Enjoy! - Angelina

L'"Italy - traceuses project 2010" nasce con lo scopo di promuovere la presenza femminile nelle discipline del Parkour e Art du Déplacement in Italia. Il progetto nasce dall'unione e dalla collaborazione delle traceuses italiane, per incitare altre ragazze all'approccio alla disciplina senza troppe esitazioni legate al sesso, perchè parkour e art du déplacement sono discipline aperte a tutti. Per questa ragione abbiamo realizzato un video nel quale mostriamo ciò che le praticanti italiane hanno appreso nel corso dell'anno 2010. Prossimamente cercheremo di organizzare un raduno nel quale sarà possibile incontrarci tutte, con la collaborazione di alcune associazioni italiane di Parkour e ADD come l'Apki e la Rhizai. Ringraziamo per la collaborazione tutte le ragazze, i cameramen, i loro gruppi d'appartenenza, e chi altri le sostiene.
Buona Visione! - Angelina

Countdown time!! 10..9..1 !! Happy New Year!

Whee! Here's another new year and... oh ok so it's not yet 2011 yet but I should practise since my counting skills obviously need work. Ah New Year's Eve... a time to make new resolutions and wonder what happened to the ones you made last year. The year has just flown by and it's been an eventful one! Lots of women's workshops, tshirts (please buy one, it will help with running costs of the site), videos and lots and lots of women moving and training all over the world - in fact check out December's gallery now :)
and thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to all the ladies and gentlemen 
who contribute and have made what you see on a reality.
Much love to you all!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

David Belle & Sebastian Foucan interview on Freerunning TV

Freerunning TV has come up with the first in a series of videos of an interview between Sebastian Foucan and David Belle, where they talk about their history, their philosophies and how they see the world as it is today. There are English subtitles and Spanish subtitles will be coming out soon, enjoy!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

APEX Movment Boulder Women's Seminar - Session Three!

Session three of the Women’s Parkour seminar will include (as requested) an entire hour of obstacle courses. This will include evaluation of runs and opportunities to improve technique, flow, and course times. The second hour will include some basic gymnastics and easy-to-learn freerunning techniques. The course split is designed to encourage flow and body awareness, learning to use both in unison.

Date: Saturday, December 11th

See our facebook event page at:

Videos of previous seminars also posted on event page!

CalParkour's Females Workshop Review

On a stormy afternoon in October, a small group gathered in a brick-paved courtyard on the University of California Berkeley campus to participate in CalPK's Women's Workshop. The group included three instructors, about half a dozen students and several members of the CalPK and SFParkour communities coming out to lend moral support.

Despite the rainy weather, spirits were high and soon, even the novices were rearing to go. We began with introductions to get a feel of what kind of skill sets were being brought to the event. A lot of rock climbers, some martial artists, and as well as a few people with no real athletic background.

After a warm up consisting of dynamic stretching and an introduction to quadrupedal movement, we took a short jog to our next training spot. At this first station we went over some basic methods for scaling and descending from ledges. Drilling all the steps of the progressions was hard work, but everyone tackled the challenge admirably.

Taking a break from the heavy movements of the last station, we went over precision basics: arm swing, knees up, head over toes, etc. We did a quick team building exercise where, as a group, we would try to precision to a ledge and hold it for 5 seconds. If anyone stumbled, we would all do it together again. It was a simple drill, but ended up being pretty fun.

Then it was time to put some of our new found skills to use. We moved to a nearby area that had concrete benches and planters clustered together with a mix of heights ranging from shoulder to knee height. The instructors mapped out a route and demonstrated some possible ways to navigate the obstacles, then it was up to you to find your way.

As we went around the circuit, we would pause to give each lap a theme. The first lap was "getting to know the landscape," taking it slow and familiarizing ourselves. Next was "ease," finding the most comfortable way to move through the course. After that was "confidence," being masters of our environment. Finally came "exploration," playing with what was possible and taking time to have fun.

After a quick water break we headed over an area with a lot of rails. By this time it had begun raining heavily and we quickly scratched the rail-walking portion of the workshop. Instead we went over underbars and set up a flow exercise. The exercise consisted of a relay race where one team began at the bottom of the course and the other at the top. One person from one team would make their way up to the second team, navigating three rails sets along the way. They would then tag someone on the other team who would make their way back along the same course. When everyone in the teams ended up where they had started, the relay was done.

We retreated from the rain to do a final conditioning set. Then as we cooled down and stretched out, one of the instructors read two specially prepared letters from Luci Steel of Team Tempest and Brandee Laird of Parkour Visions. Their inspirational words were a perfect way to complete our workshop:

"I grew up wanting to be like Superwoman; what I've learned is that we can all be Superwomen, we just have to find our own unique path of flight!" - Luci

"It's kind of like an imaginary elixir for vision, taken with eighty ounces of sweat once a whenever for as long as you choose. Side effects may include irresistible urges to climb things, a heightened sense of alternative exits, and uncanny abilities to navigate anything." - Brandee

Friday, December 3, 2010

Videos page updated: USA, England, Greece and Russia!

This month's video update is a big bag of everything : a girl with a city as her name, creative ways to run to work in london, gymnasts, a greek parkour media darling and of course fun and flips (putting the "k"ontroversy into par"k"our) Whatever you want to call it, it's this kind of diversity that makes the entrance of women in parkour so interesting - let's see where it all goes! Enjoy

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New gallery and happy holidays everyone!

The end of the year is almost upon us - of course, this is a time for serious self-reflection...but also shopping, parties and lots and lots and lots of food. Did I mention the eating? I meant training. Serious, serious shopping. I meant eating. Training. GPK has come a long way since 2008 when our little website came online. Approaching 2011, we have a slightly bigger assortment of photos because our worldwide family is growing! (Don't worry, we're shifting around chairs and plates to make room at our table ;) )
So a big THANK YOU to the ladies and gentlemen 
who make GPK what it is.
Because your awesomeness makes GPK awesome, 
making us a big table of TRULY AWESOME! :)
So while this holidays might mean lots of eating, shopping, exams and parties - there's always time for a little training - whether it's with your best friends or quiet time training by yourself. Happy holidays everyone!
Gallery here!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy holidays everyone! Please read on about how you can help support GPK in 2011 :)

Happy Holidays and thank you for a great 2010.. 
now let's jump into 2011! 
GPK needs your support, please buy a shirt which goes towards website costs. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Houston TX Women's Beginner's Workshop Review

Last month’s women’s beginner workshop in Houston, TX, USA was a great success! Our instructors came from all over the state to provide their diverse instructional talents. All the instructors met at the park an hour before the workshop to set up, scout out, and don fabulous pink shirts.

Pretty soon, the participants started arriving, looking excited! I led a moderate warm-up while Mandy and I went over what to expect, safety and logistics-wise, with the participants. When everyone was warm, we split into 7 different groups, each instructor leading their group to their specific movement station: rolls, wall runs, basic vaults, QMs, balance, underbars, and precisions, respectively. For the next hour or so, we stayed at our stations while the participants rotated every 20 minutes.

After making it halfway through the rotations, we called a 30 minute lunch/rehydration break, and munched on bananas and delicious tamales that one of Mandy’s friend’s business generously donated. Refueled and rehydrated, we took few pictures, and then it was back to the stations.

By the time we were on our 6th and 7th rotation, the boys (who had been swinging swords across the street and jumping around other parts of downtown) began to skirt the edges of the park in anticipation of the co-ed afterjam. We regrouped after the final rotation to complete the workshop with a long and leisurely cool-down and conditioning session, then let everyone loose to join what was soon becoming a massive jam.

Our awesome participants! You ladies rock!

Wonderful instructors! Thank you all so much!
Top: Bethany, Crystal
Middle: Anne, Rachel, Tara, Jennifer, Autumn
Bottom: Timley, Patricia, Mandy, Becca

Photo Credits: Bethany Hodge, Tara Tschritter, Erika May.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hello Pink Parkour!

We've always known about how motivated the ladies in parkour are, as well as how passionate we are about spreading their joy and teaching others who'd like to start. So much so that women all over the world organize regular training sessions as opportunities for women to meet up or have started online pages and forums just to let other women know that they are there! For example there is Streetmovement - Women (Denmark) that was started by Marie and Sussie, Traceuses in Sweden that recently organized a big weekend training event with 42 girls attending and PkGirlz (Colombia) consisting of a group of very dedicated practitioners. Funnily enough, PkGirlz' facebook page currently has no administrators because of a technological mistake, that is, one day the administrator and creator found her FB page in a foreign language and accidentally "left" her own group! But don't worry, Isa is still training and are many of the women :) And then there is the HUGE female community in Montreal who have been meeting up regularly to train for years but have only recently started a page Rencontres Parkour Montréal which is as small and friendly as you can get, but with 23 administrators, all of whom are regulars in the Montreal scene :) In Montréal's case, there is no chance at all the group will have no administrators through technological boo-boos. And now, there is Pink Parkour (France) that Stella, Thomas and Charlène have started in Paris!
These groups are only some of the amazing and dedicated female practitioners who have taken the initiative to start training groups so check out the GPK Links page to see if there's a group near you to train - and if there isn't, get your friend, grab a team mate or take out your dog and invite along your friends who'd like to start.
No website required :) (although it may help).
Happy training!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Parkour week St Petersburg Russia and a great video! Неделя паркура 2010 ноября и отличное видео!

Parkour Week Russia is on 22-26 November and the Parkour Girls in Russia have made this video to  encourage more girls to join parkour! With lots  of activities, please come out and join them!

And here is a really great video showing the  talented Russian Ladies! Warning: Action starts at 1:10 and the beginning part is in Russian so be patient if you can't understand Russian!

Паркур Неделя России на 22-26 ноября и Паркур девочек в России сделали это видеопоощрять больше девочек присоединиться паркур! С большимдеятельности, пожалуйста, выйти и присоединиться к ним!А вот действительно большое видео показаны талантливый русский Дамы! Предупреждение: Действие начинается в 1:10 и в начале части на русском языке так что будьте терпеливы, если вы не можете понять Россию!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Funny Holidays & FreeRuna: Videos Page Update

What a great summer, here are 2 amazing videos that have been very well edited, filmed and put together.. and then, there's what the girls are doing! Funny holidays from Russian Alexandra Shevchenko and Runa from Germany, it will bring a smile to your lips and put good new ideas in your head, so enjoy :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Free standard shipping GPK EU Shop 1-14 Nov, GPK Sale USA ending 7 Nov

Free standard shipping on all orders
1 - 14 November 2010 
Shirts EU16,90
No minimum order required
Coupon code: SHOPEARLYUK
EU Shop
PS: There is an exception to the "no minimum basket" rule. 
In .es .it and .pl (spain, italy, poland) shops customers need to order for at least 30 euros

Sale ending 7 November
Shirts US$15.90

For the US Shop

Saturday, October 30, 2010

End of summer Videos

The end of summer makes people do all sorts of funny things like wearing bedsheets with holes cut in it for eyes and men dressing up in school girls' uniforms and wigs, but mostly it makes people reminisce... and make end of summer videos :D Cheeky monkeys, mohawk monkey, glaswegian monkey and a bagful of playful canadian monkeys! Enjoy!

Hello GPK gallery and hello to a new month!

Where has the month gone...

Jumping, running, vaulting, grabbing, rolling, swinging, parkour jams, girls' training, handstands, palm spins, barefoot training, in the rain, quadrepedie... and that's just the Girlparkour Gallery!

So the photos are just a taster to "what have you been up to last month"

Big love to everyone who contributes to the girlparkour website - GPK is made awesome because all of you!

And have a good month of November :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Starting Parkour? Channel One News Video at Parkour Visions gym, Seattle USA

If you're thinking of starting parkour, here's a very enthusiastic Caitlin Murphy from Channel One news who took part in a class with Parkour Visions in Seattle, USA. You can view the other 2 videos here

Some of you may have been aware of Parkour Visions from the Levi Meeuwenberg Back Flip fund raiser that raised funds for the Parkour Visions project to help disadvantaged kids learn to overcome obstacles with parkour.  The money raised went towards teaching through other organizations and at various youth centers such as Seattle's Orion Center, a homeless youth shelter run by Youthcare, or Spruce Street SCRC, a youth detention center that gets runaways off the street--programs that are already underway, with Spruce Street sessions every week. 

Also, Parkour Visions is presently fund raising for a bigger parkour facility so please, if you want to and can donate, scroll to the bottom of the front page of the website , hit the button, and help them grow. Absolutely anything helps!

Here's a description about the gym from Brandee of Parkour Visions:

Source: 3run forums

".. if you ever visited the space (Parkour Visions gym), it would be extremely hard to deny how fun it can be, and challenging, what with the ability to manipulate your environment as well as yourself through it. The Parkour Visions' gym is designed to be rougher than a gymnastics gym, no padded walls or spring floor. Students are informed that it is built hard on purpose, to best transfer skills outdoors. Yes there is rubber flooring over the concrete, but it is horse stall mats, so still not forgiving when you bail ungracefully. If you have any questions about where this money goes--who's teaching these classes, how it's going, and how the youth are impacted, feel free to contact me. 



brandee(at)parkourvisions(dot)org "

Friday, October 22, 2010

Los Angeles, USA: Adidas Casting Call: Parkour Athletes to Parkour Enthusiasts

Adidas Casting Call: Parkour Athletes to Parkour Enthusiasts.

Casting real people for the next global Adidas campaign
Looking for Male and Female Parkour Athletes, Free Runners and Parkour Enthusiasts.

Ages: 17-22
2 Male and 2 Female
Date of Casting Call: Friday October 22th 2010
Time: 12pm - 4pm
Location: Rawli Entertainment 2701 N. Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90031
Date you must be available if chosen: October 26th & 27th
Asian and African American Males
Asian and Caucasians Females
Pay: if chosen $500 and up
Contact info: Nick Bishop nickbishopparkour(at)gmail(dot)com   818.588.7563
Heather Smith heather(at)heathersmithproductions(dot)com  858.200.5049

Submitted by Tami Tokorcheck, Production Assistant, Heather Smith Productions.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Female Parkour Youtube Channel : Hana from Japan

Neta from Poland wrote in about creating a youtube channel that compiles traceuse videos and asked if it could be linked on the Videos page. Neta says: 
"FemaleParkour channel was created to promote all traceuses who reached a high level by means of their work. 
I hope that girls' videos from all over the world would show that traceuses can be as good as traceurs. Women may also love parkour, have a passion, move effectively, train hard - and train safely.

Break the stereotypes!
It sounds like a great idea and we are very proud to have the youtube channel FemaleParkour part of the Videos page, starting with the talented Hana from Japan! Have a look!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

USA, San Francisco All-Female Workshop 23 October, UC Berkeley Campus

Date: Saturday 23 October
Time: 1:00pm
Location : Campanile clock tower , UC Berkeley Campus
Cost: Free
Contact: Albert "lethalbeef" Kong, SFParkour Administrator

Ladies! Have you wanted to try parkour only to be discouraged by the overwhelming testosterone? Do you find it upsetting that parkour is a heavily male dominated community? Well here's your try parkour for the first time in a less macho atmosphere and make a dent in the gender imbalance in parkour.

SFParkour and the Berkeley Parkour Collective are hosting a free, all-female workshop where you and your friends can learn the fundamentals of parkour, focusing less on big moves and more on graceful movement. This 2 hour workshop will be designed to teach parkour with women in mind, emphasizing balance, gracefulness, footwork, progressive training techniques, basic strength conditioning, creativity, and exploration.

We will meet at 1:00PM at the Campanile, the clock tower in the middle of the UC Berkeley campus. Invite your (girl)friends!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Video page updated! About the summer that was...

3 very different videos from 3 ladies from Canada, Germany and Russia! One about the last flowers in Canada (not unrelated to the National Geographic), one about a full summer of fun, freerun and training in France, Austria, Germany (flips, wheatfields, Lisses and energy drinks) and one from Russia... which may require a bit of time as she pretends to fumble around for the first 1-2 minutes of the video.  

To the videos page!

Edit 10/10/10

Gala explains: "First part of video shows "the beginning" My idea was to show some kind of growth, just like "that's what I do every day" - I wanted to perform, that parkour is continuous moving & progress, & nobody should afraid of being a beginner =) Especially girls =) "

Thanks Gala!