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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Houston TX Women's Beginner's Workshop Review

Last month’s women’s beginner workshop in Houston, TX, USA was a great success! Our instructors came from all over the state to provide their diverse instructional talents. All the instructors met at the park an hour before the workshop to set up, scout out, and don fabulous pink shirts.

Pretty soon, the participants started arriving, looking excited! I led a moderate warm-up while Mandy and I went over what to expect, safety and logistics-wise, with the participants. When everyone was warm, we split into 7 different groups, each instructor leading their group to their specific movement station: rolls, wall runs, basic vaults, QMs, balance, underbars, and precisions, respectively. For the next hour or so, we stayed at our stations while the participants rotated every 20 minutes.

After making it halfway through the rotations, we called a 30 minute lunch/rehydration break, and munched on bananas and delicious tamales that one of Mandy’s friend’s business generously donated. Refueled and rehydrated, we took few pictures, and then it was back to the stations.

By the time we were on our 6th and 7th rotation, the boys (who had been swinging swords across the street and jumping around other parts of downtown) began to skirt the edges of the park in anticipation of the co-ed afterjam. We regrouped after the final rotation to complete the workshop with a long and leisurely cool-down and conditioning session, then let everyone loose to join what was soon becoming a massive jam.

Our awesome participants! You ladies rock!

Wonderful instructors! Thank you all so much!
Top: Bethany, Crystal
Middle: Anne, Rachel, Tara, Jennifer, Autumn
Bottom: Timley, Patricia, Mandy, Becca

Photo Credits: Bethany Hodge, Tara Tschritter, Erika May.

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