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Monday, July 26, 2010

Recorrido de cuadrúpedos 800 mts.

Domingo 25 de Julio de 2010

9:00 am, hora de encuentro en el museo nacional, al llegar la energia, ansias e inspiracion no se hicieron esperar, cada persona presente esperaba el momento para dar todo de sí a este recorrido y con esto apoyar a las otras personas presentes, esperamos mientras todos llegaban y a las 9:45 se nos explico la tecnica del recorrido, 3 variaciones de cuadrupedos (de frente, inversos y boca arriba) y el recorrido que se realizaria desde éste punto (calle 28), sobre la carrera Séptima, hasta el parque nacional (calle/diagonal 36) (de 800 a 850 metros), en tres categorias, de 15 años a 20 años, femenina, y de 20+, la idea mas allá que llegar a la meta en primeras posiciones, era realizar un recorrido a conciencia, con buen manejo del cuerpo, y llegar a realizar un homenaje también al método natural implementado por Georges Hébert.

Antes de empezar el recorrido, se realizo una sesión de calentamiento orientada por Richard Alvarez y Christian Rodriguez, muy necesaria por cierto para preparar el cuerpo.

Después fuimos a formar las posiciones, fue muy inspirador ver tantas chicas participando de esta actividad, con tanta energia y tanta inspiración para hacer el recorrido.

Durante el recorrido, el variar los cuadrupedos se hizo necesario ya que la mente se va aburriendo y el cuerpo se iba poniendo exhausto al ir avanzando, afortunadamente al cambiar de posicion se trabajaban diferentes grupos musculares lo que despues de hacerlo por varios metros, aliviaba los musculos ya usados y empezaba a sentirse el trabajo en los musculos que estaban en reposo asi como la complejidad y variedad de uso de musculos que este movimiento requiere. En este lugar al mismo tiempo y como de costumbre estaba abierto el recorrido de ciclovia por la carrera septima (un espacio en la ciudad que se abre todos los domingos en algunas avenidas principales de la ciudad solo para transito peatonal y de ciclistas) así que compartíamos este espacio con las personas que usualmente van a la ciclovía y fue muy bonito ver el apoyo de la comunidad común a nuestra actividad y cómo algunos se detenian un momento a ver y otros aunque iban pasando nos mostraban su apoyo.

Al llegar a la meta, pude sentir mi cuerpo detenerse en automatico al levantarme e hidratarme un poco vi que aun faltaban compañeros por llegar, y asi como me detuve automaticamente, me inspire para al menospor esa ultima cuadra apoyar a algunos que estaban aún en el recorrido.

Una comunidad, la comunidad de parkour apoyandose unos a otros al llegar a la meta, fue un gran punto de inspiracion para seguir aportando desde nuestro buen entrenamiento, constancia y disciplina a la difusion del parkour en nuestra ciudad.



National Jam!!!! (biggest parkour gathering for the past 3 yrs.)

Hey everyone!

National Jam 2010 is coming up soon August 5-9th, held in Denver, Colorado. There will be people here from all over the country, and possible some outside the country. The annual COPK National Jam has been the biggest Parkour gathering in the USA for the past 3 years. This year, in addition to all the traditional outdoors training, APEX Movement will also host a competition based on speed and completion. Featuring significant cash and gear prizes and 20-30 of the top athletes, this will be the first grassroots parkour competition of its kind, entirely designed and run by passionate members of the parkour community. There are still a few invites for the comp open, if you would like to nap one, send a video and brief bio to
For more details on the event go to:

Hope to see you all there = D

Friday, July 23, 2010

Community from Colombia and Chile on October together with Daniel Ilabaca

On october a really important upcoming event within the Colombia and Chile Parkour/ADD/ FR Community, from Colombia, The communities of the Ville Blanche Parkour family will be traveling to Chile for the event on October the 9th of this year to be together with the Parkour School community and Daniel Ilabaca : D colombian traceuses interested in more info or worldwide female parkour community who would like to know more about the event here is the link to the note on the ville blanche facebook profile.!/note.php?note_id=410097669753&comments&ref=notif&notif_t=note_reply and the official link to the event more information coming soon!! and of course the event review once I be there : D

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Welcome to Czech Parkour Camp. This is the gate, we don't have the keys, so the entry requirement is to pop vault over. A review from travelling traceuse Hayley.

Ah Parkour Camp. What goes on in Parkour Camp, stays in Parkour Camp.. unless of course intrepid travelling traceuse Hayley Brice-Nicolson (who is a looooong way away from her home in New Zealand) writes about it for Girl Parkour !  Handstands, cereal in cups, murderous little boys in swimming pools..?? Read up lovelies :)

And while you're at it, have a read of Julia from Germany's trip in Sydney for 100% more tim tams and pies.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Utah Girls

Hey guys, I'm relatively new to pk, but wanted to get the word out there about the groups in Utah. I've seen a few girls interested, but I only know 2, besides me, that train regularly. I train with the group 'Red Platypus Parkour' in American Fork and a friend runs DEFY Parkour in Sandy. So it was great to stumble on this network. Please let me know if you want any info on the groups out here.
I wanted to get started in pk 1) cause it looked like alot fun and 2) I hadn't seen many girls do it. I don't about the rest of you but whenever a guy says "Oh, you can't do that. You're a girl." I get the urge to not only do it, but knock him on his a** with how good I can do it ;)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Joshies parkour lessons at Bondi Youth Center 4-6pm Sundays

Josh ( Sydney Parkour ) and also Assistant Instructor at the Sunday APA lessons at Pyrmont is teaching parkour at the local bondi youth center to help get young kids between the age of 11 and 19 to get them in to keeping fit and keeping strong physically and mentally. Starts Wed 28th, at the Ways Youth Centre, 63A Wairoa Avenue (and various locations around Bondi)
11-19 year olds only

This course lasts for 9 weeks.
Read more

Please spread the word to all the young people you know and tell them to come down and have a go its awesome fun and its healthy just to be running around. More details here:

There are also regular Sunday APA classes at Pyrmont, peer at the details here :) Good on ya Joshie!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Isis Ribas Planche Muscle-Up

Isis Ribas of Brazil recently posted this video of an incredibly smooth kipping planche muscle-up! I know I'm inspired--Well done Isis!

Happy training, all. :)

We're listening to you. From your feedback here's what we've done

From your feedback on the User Surveys, here is what we've done on the site:

More languages
- Spanish, Portugese, Russian, French, German and Swedish forums. 
- Google translator icons on the GPK sidebar translates articles and news into chosen language.
- Encouraging news, articles and event reviews submitted in whatever language she or he is comfortable in

Interacting with the site
- A Facebook page has been started and users can leave comments or "like" photos
- A News blog now replaces the News page. This format allows multiple contributors worldwide.
- Contributors can now directly post content (photos, videos, articles) to the News page and visitors can now post comments to posts.
Read more

- Twitter account has been started so that users can subscribe to tweets
- News blog is linked to Twitter and Facebook page so subscribers will now receive direct updates when news has been posted

We've also received some great comments like this one:
"It'd be great to somehow promote the forum so it will become popular enough to be a strong resource. While it works now, I think it has the potential to affect the majority of the female parkour (online) community, if exposed better." USA, 24 April 2010

Roger that!
GPK Forum
- Links to the GPK forum is now more visible on the website and the facebook page.
- Regular topics are now placed on the front of discussion topics ("sticky" notes) for easy reference
- Unfortunately because of time and resources restraints and the required lack of morals to spam people and other forums, if you like GPK then spread the word! Refer the forum to a friend or someone needs it.

Other site maintenance issues
- Due to kinks in the website software, links occasionally malfunctioned
- Regular checks are carried out on the validity of the links and information
- Constant updates on website and social networking platforms... so bear with us :)

Here's some love from GPK visitors:

"Basically someone linked me to the 'Issues of Gender' article [awesome!] and then I went ahead and read all the others. Good job and best wishes!" USA, 3 April 2010
"Thanks a lot for putting all this resources to the worldwide traceuses im pretty sure that we all appreciate the time that you girlz take on putting all this information and inspiration here at the website : D" Colombia, 15 April 2010
"You guys are definitely doing great. I really love this site." USA, 25 April 2010
"It's a beautiful website!" Italy, June 4 2010

Tell us what you think, your words and thoughts matter so help us improve this website!
Fill out the Survey!

Monday, July 12, 2010

girls power from Germany!

There's a lot happening in Germany at the moment!

Caro and Michi took part in the latest Rhino's ad.
Sadly both of them were injured on the second shooting day,
but we definitely will see more of their skills in the next ad! :)
It's great anyway, check it out ->

And from November "the bat" - a German operetta, in which Ayla and Jules are supporting roles, will be staged. They've been interviewed about Parkour and their parts in the play.
The article is in German, but all they basically talk about is what Parkour is and why they want to take part in the operetta. They shared the same opinion on that question: The girls want to show everyone that women can do Parkour, too and encourage everyone to train hard to reach their aims.

Also there's a massive girl parkour workshop called "girls-camp" hold in Swiss from 25th of July to 1st of August, in which Michi as female instructor will coach the other girls and women.

So we can expect some great news soon! :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Freerunner Luci Romberg Interview in Red Bulletin, UK

To support the launch of the July Edition of Red Bulletin in the UK, check out this clip of Hollywood stuntwoman and one of the world's best freerunners, Luci Romberg. She is the first woman ever to rank in the Red Bull Art of Motion freerunning competition, and in this month's magazine she reveals what it's like working as a stuntwoman in Hollywood, and how her introduction to Team Tempest ignited her passion for freerunning. Plus this video clip can be seen as part of an augmented reality montage only available at by holding your copy of the magazine up to your webcam - bringing The Red Bulletin to print 2.0!
The Red Bulletin is available in the Sunday Telegraph on the first Sunday of every month – and you can also read it on - submitted by Beth Wallach

12 July edit: have embedded the video of Luci.. enjoy! :)

Discover Simple, Private Sharing at

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tweet tweet?

Does this tweet?

Friday, July 2, 2010

News Blog

The News page has always tried to show what's going on around the world, unfortunately the previous setup didn't allow multiple posters and it was always a big race to catch up with what's happening. So say hello to the Girlparkour Blog! Hope that this allows more up to date news about what, where, who... :) The blog will be a permanent part of the site and you are free to post in any language with images, videos, text and links. Get us at mail(at)girlparkour(dot)com if you'd like your event listed up here.

Behold the power of the Google instant translator!

New links to google translate have been added to the side bar so insta-translate is now even more convenient that those whose first language is not English :) However, if you think that just reading in one language is too easy then trying practise reading in a different language: Japanese, Chinese or Korean anyone? :D

Women out in hordes training! Gallery wooo!!

Photos from women training all over the world, view the gallery!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New month, what are you up to?

Last month was just chock full of events going on, everyone seems to be getting up and training and fingers crossed for more warm sunny days. Also, been needing a new look so put in some new curtains and furniture in the main page, hope you like :) 

Say hello at the Girlparkour Forum to meet new traceuses or start a conversation about training...You can also tell us what you think of the site on the GPK User Feedback Form .

If you haven't yet, click "Like" on the GirlParkour Facebook Page  and you will automatically be notifiied when a new Monday Monkey (MOMO) to be viewed.

To be added to the mailing list for latest details of Traceuse Gathering 2010, contact Liv at la.femme.traceur (at) gmail (dot) com  You can read Emma's great review of last years gathering here .
"Hello international Ladies!

Just to let everyone know the Traceuse Gathering 2010 is in planning, and I have a contact who may be able to help with accomodation this year, otherwise it will be back to the hostel again!
I am sending this email out only to international Traceuses at the moment, since I know you often need more advance notice in regards to flights. The Gathering is going to be at the end of July, though we are just confirming dates at the moment, and all levels of Traceuse are welcome! It is going to be held in London again, so lets hope for good weather!
There are obviously a lot of Traceuses I have missed, so please any friends that train you see are not on the mailing list please forward this onto them.
Please send responses in regards to early numbers, and yes I will be printing vests this year since I got in so much trouble last year for not doing them!

Much Love to you all and stay safe

Liv x  "

And again, THANK YOU everyone who contributed photos, articles, event reviews, joined the facebook group, posted on the forum, clicked "Like" on photos... thank you for helping make this website possible :D