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Sunday, November 28, 2010

New gallery and happy holidays everyone!

The end of the year is almost upon us - of course, this is a time for serious self-reflection...but also shopping, parties and lots and lots and lots of food. Did I mention the eating? I meant training. Serious, serious shopping. I meant eating. Training. GPK has come a long way since 2008 when our little website came online. Approaching 2011, we have a slightly bigger assortment of photos because our worldwide family is growing! (Don't worry, we're shifting around chairs and plates to make room at our table ;) )
So a big THANK YOU to the ladies and gentlemen 
who make GPK what it is.
Because your awesomeness makes GPK awesome, 
making us a big table of TRULY AWESOME! :)
So while this holidays might mean lots of eating, shopping, exams and parties - there's always time for a little training - whether it's with your best friends or quiet time training by yourself. Happy holidays everyone!
Gallery here!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy holidays everyone! Please read on about how you can help support GPK in 2011 :)

Happy Holidays and thank you for a great 2010.. 
now let's jump into 2011! 
GPK needs your support, please buy a shirt which goes towards website costs. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Houston TX Women's Beginner's Workshop Review

Last month’s women’s beginner workshop in Houston, TX, USA was a great success! Our instructors came from all over the state to provide their diverse instructional talents. All the instructors met at the park an hour before the workshop to set up, scout out, and don fabulous pink shirts.

Pretty soon, the participants started arriving, looking excited! I led a moderate warm-up while Mandy and I went over what to expect, safety and logistics-wise, with the participants. When everyone was warm, we split into 7 different groups, each instructor leading their group to their specific movement station: rolls, wall runs, basic vaults, QMs, balance, underbars, and precisions, respectively. For the next hour or so, we stayed at our stations while the participants rotated every 20 minutes.

After making it halfway through the rotations, we called a 30 minute lunch/rehydration break, and munched on bananas and delicious tamales that one of Mandy’s friend’s business generously donated. Refueled and rehydrated, we took few pictures, and then it was back to the stations.

By the time we were on our 6th and 7th rotation, the boys (who had been swinging swords across the street and jumping around other parts of downtown) began to skirt the edges of the park in anticipation of the co-ed afterjam. We regrouped after the final rotation to complete the workshop with a long and leisurely cool-down and conditioning session, then let everyone loose to join what was soon becoming a massive jam.

Our awesome participants! You ladies rock!

Wonderful instructors! Thank you all so much!
Top: Bethany, Crystal
Middle: Anne, Rachel, Tara, Jennifer, Autumn
Bottom: Timley, Patricia, Mandy, Becca

Photo Credits: Bethany Hodge, Tara Tschritter, Erika May.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hello Pink Parkour!

We've always known about how motivated the ladies in parkour are, as well as how passionate we are about spreading their joy and teaching others who'd like to start. So much so that women all over the world organize regular training sessions as opportunities for women to meet up or have started online pages and forums just to let other women know that they are there! For example there is Streetmovement - Women (Denmark) that was started by Marie and Sussie, Traceuses in Sweden that recently organized a big weekend training event with 42 girls attending and PkGirlz (Colombia) consisting of a group of very dedicated practitioners. Funnily enough, PkGirlz' facebook page currently has no administrators because of a technological mistake, that is, one day the administrator and creator found her FB page in a foreign language and accidentally "left" her own group! But don't worry, Isa is still training and are many of the women :) And then there is the HUGE female community in Montreal who have been meeting up regularly to train for years but have only recently started a page Rencontres Parkour Montréal which is as small and friendly as you can get, but with 23 administrators, all of whom are regulars in the Montreal scene :) In Montréal's case, there is no chance at all the group will have no administrators through technological boo-boos. And now, there is Pink Parkour (France) that Stella, Thomas and Charlène have started in Paris!
These groups are only some of the amazing and dedicated female practitioners who have taken the initiative to start training groups so check out the GPK Links page to see if there's a group near you to train - and if there isn't, get your friend, grab a team mate or take out your dog and invite along your friends who'd like to start.
No website required :) (although it may help).
Happy training!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Parkour week St Petersburg Russia and a great video! Неделя паркура 2010 ноября и отличное видео!

Parkour Week Russia is on 22-26 November and the Parkour Girls in Russia have made this video to  encourage more girls to join parkour! With lots  of activities, please come out and join them!

And here is a really great video showing the  talented Russian Ladies! Warning: Action starts at 1:10 and the beginning part is in Russian so be patient if you can't understand Russian!

Паркур Неделя России на 22-26 ноября и Паркур девочек в России сделали это видеопоощрять больше девочек присоединиться паркур! С большимдеятельности, пожалуйста, выйти и присоединиться к ним!А вот действительно большое видео показаны талантливый русский Дамы! Предупреждение: Действие начинается в 1:10 и в начале части на русском языке так что будьте терпеливы, если вы не можете понять Россию!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Funny Holidays & FreeRuna: Videos Page Update

What a great summer, here are 2 amazing videos that have been very well edited, filmed and put together.. and then, there's what the girls are doing! Funny holidays from Russian Alexandra Shevchenko and Runa from Germany, it will bring a smile to your lips and put good new ideas in your head, so enjoy :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Free standard shipping GPK EU Shop 1-14 Nov, GPK Sale USA ending 7 Nov

Free standard shipping on all orders
1 - 14 November 2010 
Shirts EU16,90
No minimum order required
Coupon code: SHOPEARLYUK
EU Shop
PS: There is an exception to the "no minimum basket" rule. 
In .es .it and .pl (spain, italy, poland) shops customers need to order for at least 30 euros

Sale ending 7 November
Shirts US$15.90

For the US Shop